Wiskota Farm is a small, certified organic farm near Webster, SD, owned by Carl and Darcy Pulvermacher. It is made up of 67 acres planted with corn, oats, and alfalfa. The farm is also home to beef cattle, which graze nearby managed, unsprayed pastures until they return in the fall to help mow down the remains of the certified organic crops. Carl uses intensive rotational grazing to manage the cattle, improving the quality and health of the pastures and sequestering more carbon in the process, as well as providing the cows with amazingly healthy forage.
The name Wiskota is the combination of Wisconsin and South Dakota, since those are the places that Carl has farmed for a combined total of over forty years.
Carl was a founding member of Organic Valley farmers' co-op in Wisconsin. Darcy teaches first grade, in addition to working on the farm and taking pictures that make your mouth water.