July 15, 2018: Annie Mullin held an informational meeting in the Community Room at Watertown Regional Library to explain what a food co-op is, how it would help our area, and gauge interest in the community. Nearly fifty people showed up.
July 29, 2018: First "working group" meeting was held, sixteen people attended, and ten people volunteered for the steering committee. The incorporating board of directors (the steering committee) eventually pared down to the current seven.
August 4, 2018: Annie Mullin attended a farm tour of Wiskota Farm in Webster, SD, hosted by Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society (NPSAS).
August 9, 2018: Jan Mullin and Annie Mullin attended a farm tour of Johnson Family Farms in Madison, SD, also hosted by NPSAS.
August 11, 2018: Brief working groups meetings held.
August 21, 2018: Annie Mullin talked to lots and lots of Lake Area students while staffing a table for the co-op at LATI's Street Fair welcoming new students.
August 26, 2018: Steering committee meeting
September 8, 2018: Jan Mullin and Annie Mullin staffed an information table for the co-op at the NESD Holistic Fair.
September 15, 2018: Bylaws subcommittee meeting
September 29, 2018: Steering committee meeting
October 21, 2018: Steering committee meeting
November 3, 2019: Policies subcommittee meeting
November 15, 2018: Signing meeting! The steering committee adopted and signed Coteau Community Market's Articles of Incorporation and adopted the Bylaws.
November 21, 2018: The South Dakota Secretary of State accepted and filed the Articles of Incorporation and Coteau Community Market became officially incorporated as a cooperative in the State of South Dakota.
January 19, 2019: Steering committee meeting
January 24-27, 2019: Annie Mullin attended NPSAS's 40th Annual Food and Farming Conference in Fargo, ND, to make contact with and talk to more local and regional producers about the market.